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Hyve’s journey to becoming a greener company

This World Environment Day, we’re outlining our commitment to becoming a more sustainable company, sharing our environmental goals for the future and breaking down how we’re planning to reach them.

Hyve Managed Hosting

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Our commitment to sustainability

Environmental sustainability is extremely important to us at Hyve. As a cloud hosting provider, we are well aware that working with data centres around the world requires a significant amount of energy, and as leaders in this space, we feel a responsibility to have as little impact on the planet as possible. 

We know that sustainability is an increasingly important focus for our customers too, who want to ensure they’re partnering with environmentally friendly suppliers as part of their own sustainability mission. That’s why we’ve committed to reducing our carbon footprint wherever we can.

What we’ve done so far

Over the last year, we’ve been working with sustainability consultants Plan A, using their platform to calculate our carbon emissions, as a first step towards reducing them. Alongside this work, we’ve also been implementing other measures to ensure we’re continually improving our environmental policies.

So far, we have:

  • Calculated our Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions, which are those emissions that are owned or controlled by us, or indirect emissions related to our energy consumption.
  • Worked closely with Plan A, discussing areas of improvement and understanding how to set goals in reference to our current emissions data.
  • Committed to continually auditing our environmental performance, outlining this with yearly reports that display our company emissions for the year.
  • Partnered with sustainable third-party providers, where possible. This includes using Telehouse as a colocation partner, who are powered by 100% renewable energy procured from wind, solar, biomass and hydro generators.

Our plans for the future

Now that we have a clear view of our Scope 1 and 2 emissions, we’re focusing on calculating our Scope 3 emissions, which extends to our suppliers, as well as other indirect emissions that are linked to our operations as a company.

In line with this data, we’re looking at emissions reductions measures and how we can offset the emissions that are unavoidable for us as a business. Similarly, we’re committed to achieving ISO 14001 certification and working with suppliers that have similar accreditations, relative to their business.

Over the next few months, we’ll be documenting our journey to becoming a more sustainable company. Follow us on our social channels for updates as we release more information on our environmental work.

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